書 名: 嬌女真情 (Lady Love)
出版社-系列-編號: 希代-精美名著-0304
作 者: 瑪瑞兒‧堪蘭 (黛安 帕瑪) (黛安 柏瑪) (黛娜 帕馬) (Diana Palmer)
譯 者: 喬青
日 期: 1985-02-01
頁 數: 186 頁
時 空: 現代羅曼史
評分: (4分)
文 案:
滿好看的故事, 一點揪心........女主角是很有錢人家的小姐, 她發現對她有興趣的男人都是為了她家的錢而來的, 讓她對男人很失望........於是她假裝平凡人來向男主角的媽媽應徵工作, 遇上了男主角..........兩個人常針鋒相對、鬥嘴鼓, 這部分寫得很幽默........女主角漸漸愛上了他, 但他已有未婚妻, 一個他要挽救家族事業而必須娶的有錢女人.....
書名: Lady Love
作者: Diana Palmer
Merlyn Forrest Steele couldn't refuse the offer - work for a living for one month, and her father would stop his clumsy matchmaking attempts. Maybe she'd somehow find a man who had eyes for her, not her bank account, and meanwhile, she could prove she was no dilettante heiress.
So it was ironic that the first man to penetrate her defenses in her new life would be the one who was looking for just that...Not that she'd have the sardonic, arrogant Cameron Thorpe, even if he asked her. Let him go ahead and marry some insipid little heiress - he'd get exactly what he deserved...But why did this thought give Merlyn no comfort at all?