書 名: 貸款撒旦 (Reluctant Prisoner)
出版社-系列-編號: 駿馬-羅曼史集-0907
作 者: 莎莉‧溫特渥 (Stephanie Howard) (作者中譯名誤植) (史蒂芬妮‧賀爾)
譯 者: 何午
頁 數: 228 頁
時 空: 現代羅曼史
評分: (3.5分)
文 案:
還不錯看的故事, 給3.5棵幸運草..........女主角的父親面臨破產之際, 男主角願意借款給他, 並要女主角家的傳家寶抵押給他..........後來男主角發現那幅畫是贗品, 氣憤地找上門來, 告訴女主角, 既然這樣的話, 他要女主角當抵押品, 要她為他工作.......
2012/09/13 找到原文書名及作者, 作者應該是史蒂芬妮‧賀爾.........作者有誤植的狀況喔.
原文書封面: (此書作者的中文譯名有誤)
What was in it for him, she wondered
Why had wealthy Fausto Cabrini been willing to bail her father out of his financial problems? Tanya knew she should be grateful, but she didn't trust the man.
Sure enough, when the family's treasured icon, which her father had handed over as a pledge of his debt, proved a fake, the ruthless industrialist demanded Tanya instead.
She found herself a virtual prisoner in the wilds of Northern Italy, at ransom to a man who claimed he had neither heart, soul nor conscience--even in matters of love.