書 名: 曉來霜紅 (Witching hour)
出版社-系列-編號: 尹士曼-愛的浪漫史-016
作 者: 莎拉‧格爾 (莎拉‧卡文) (Sara Craven) (莎拉 格雷文) (莎拉 葛爾文)
莎拉 卡文 (Sara Craven) 作品整理
譯 者: 丁小艾
頁 數: 219 頁
時 空: 現代羅曼史
評分: (3分)
還不錯看, 女主角的父親去世後, 家園居然要讓遠房堂兄繼承, 她和媽媽以後變成要寄人籬下生活, 所以她還沒見到男主角之前就非常討厭他.......
同下列風雲出版社的''不敢告訴你'', 不過我看那麼久的外曼, 從來沒看過這麼醜的外曼封面...............為了避免傷了大家的眼, 我還是給他縮成很小的圖好了........
Morgana couldn't wish him away
Lyall Pentreath van Guisen was a new and unwanted factor in her life. As the only male heir in the ancient but divided Pentreath family, he had inherited their Cornish home.
Not only was he from the other branch of the family--he was also ruthless, cunning and used to getting his own way.
His taking over their home was bad enough. But Lyall had made it quite clear that he'd like to take her over, as well. Morgana was afraid, but somehow secretly excited....