書 名: 玻璃心 (Heart of Glass)
出版社-系列-編號: 林白-薔薇頰-0309
作 者: 維多莉雅‧葛倫 (維多利亞‧吉倫) (Victoria Glenn)
譯 者: 吳秀美
出版日期: 1985-06-04
頁 數: 177 頁
時 空: 現代羅曼史
評分: (4分)
文 案:
滿好看的故事, 一點揪心........女主角在離家多年後, 男主角找到了她........男主角告訴她, 她的父親A已逝, 要她回家鄉繼承財產........而A的公司是自男主角父親手中奪來的, A的遺囑寫除非女主角結婚或滿廿五歲才能繼承遺產.........於是男主角向她求婚, 這樣他就能馬上拿回他父親的公司........女主角因A奪走男主角父親的公司而愧疚在心, 且她少女時期曾暗戀過男主角, 於是她答應他的求婚, 兩人約好只是名義上的夫妻, 等女主角滿廿五歲後就分開.........兩人結婚後一直互相吸引, 女主角愛上了他, 想獻身給他, 當她很害羞地告訴他她沒經驗時, 她得到的是男主角從此離她越來越遠........為什麼會這樣呢? 他怕以後要負責任嗎? 她本來以為他也對她有情意, 原來一切都只是她自己在幻想....
SHE HAD WALKED AWAY FROM A FORTUNE -- AND NOW IT WALKED BACK INTO HER LIFE. — Mara Worthington left everything she had grown up with -- humiliation from a domineering father, grief over her dead brother, and the family fortune. — Now a strange clause in her father's will kept that fortune just barely out of her grasp: She had to marry immediately, or watch Worthington Brass disappear into the hands of strangers.
One man was offering marriage -- Eric Shelby, Mara's father had stolen the business away from Eric's father. This was his chance to settle an old score.
The marriage solved every problem but one: Where was love?