我一直很喜歡這本''共築愛巢'', 想說找不到原文書和作者, 真是很遺憾咧,
今天無聊, 想說不照老方法找,
http://alison1584.pixnet.net/blog/post/45262795 (之前已寫好的心得)
書名: Rebel Heart
作者: Meg Dominique
How could such opposites attract? — Interior designer Tracey Gibbs and architect Patrick Moran were a winning team -- by day. After hours, Tracey preferred a quiet evening at home, while Patrick roared off in his sports car in search of excitement. — Tracey was wary of this carefree charmer, but Patrick convinced her to buy and renovate a house to sell at a profit. Working together only increased the powerful magnetism between them. Slowly but surely Tracey found herself drawn to his engaging personality, aroused by his warm lips, succumbing to his urgent caresses....